Stand at EASE!!!
The left claims to want a "classless society". Given the "character"
(or lack of same) of the people(?) they have managed to place in
positions of authority (by hook or crook, with emphasis on the latter)
I'd say they are well on their way to accomplishing it.
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.)
In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!
The only problem with their assertions of desire for a "worker's
paradise" is that their idea of socialism is that there will be 2
classes of people: the ruling class (them) and the working class
(everyone else).
If you look at the USSR, you will see a perfect example. Everyone was
"equal", but some folks were just MORE equal. They were the ones who
had dachas in the best areas and ate caviar.
"All power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt, absolutely."
The "socialist" crew just gets more and more corrupt and more and more
classless, in the meaning of having no class, the more powerful they
The rogues gallery of "socialism" includes beelzabubba and hitlery
klintsky, nancy (the pile of) pelosi, teddy (hic, glub, glub) kennedy,
upchuck schumer, filthy harry reid, mayor ray (chocolate city) nagen,
congressman william (cold cash) jefferson and many more denizens of
washington, the district of criminals, sacramento the district of
criminals, left coast and many more red state dens of thieves, across
the country.
Too many of them are failing to say, "Look at the record!", in their
bids for re-election, because
the record that may be revealed is their CRIMINAL record.
It is my fervent hope that when the left is prosecuting ideological
crusade to "...transform this country..." into a socialist
dictatorship or oligarchy (which is where the left has been heading,
for years) our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces will remember
that they did not
take an oath to any one person, such as barak hussein o(WHATTA)bummer
or any group of people, such as his cabal of power base.
They need to remember that they are sworn to uphold the principles and
laws embodied in the Constitution, from the upper left (sorry about
the "left") hand corner of the Unanimous Declaration, the firet law
enacted by our fledgling government "...of the people, by the people
and FOR the people..." (and "FOR" didn't mean that the people were a
bunch of sheep who required smarter people to tell them when and what
to eat, etc.
Instead, it was, simply to be a representative republic, where the
day-to-day functions were to be carried out by people in positions of
trust and RESPONSIBLE to "WE, THE PEOPLE..." who are (legally) their
employers and bosses) to the bottom right corner of the Constitution
and everything in between.
When the regime finally abandons any pretext of being the legitimate
government and openly rebels against the Declaration and Constitution
and makes government edict their sole means of ruling the populace (&
believe me, IT'S COMING) there will be a "Day of Decision" for all
those who have taken the oath to",,,support, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States, against ALL enemies, foreign AND
DOMESTIC and bear true faith and allegiance to same, so help you
On that day all persons of honor and good conscience will make the
right decision and honor their oaths.
Those who have been administered an oath to support the government,
instead of the Constitution need to remember that their oath (to the
government) is only binding as long as those in government abide by
THEIR oaths to the Constitution. Once they are in
rebellion to the Constitution, which describes the status of many of
the "government" cesspool sludge, they are no longer the legitimate
government and no loyalty or obedience is due them.
NEWS FLASH!!!! Leftist super-twit cartoonist reveals anti-gun bias
that is even more illogical and lacking in integrity than MOST
lying sacks of cesspool sludge are able to project.
This one seizes on the recent tragic shooting, at a movie theater in
which we see the epitome of the saying, "That's where 2 fools met."
The first arrogant, self-absorbed nincompoop is (reportedly) texting
in a darkened theater, during the previews. When asked, politely I
guess, to cease he refuses. The offended party attempts to refer the
problem to a manager and (failing to obtain satisfaction)
returns to renew the confrontation. Reportedly belligerent #1 throws
popcorn in the face of belligerent #2, who the shoots belligerent
Talk about your "overkill" (sorry, couldn't help that).
Along comes a bucket of cesspool sludge, in the person (?) of this
leftist cartoonist (read propagandist) who (?) decides to trash the
NRA motto, "An Armed Society Is A Polite Society", by depicting (under
a heading showing the motto) nut-case #2 shooting nut-
case #1, while chastising him for his rudeness.
Listen, you lying leftist cesspool sludge, that is too stoopid to fool
anyone who has even two 1/2 wits to rub together!!!! A crowd of
unarmed people, in a movie theater ISN'T an "armed society" if they
were armed, nut cases would either go somewhere else to vent
their bile or they would (suddenly) have reasons to regret their
decision to "act out". Probably 6 or so reasons that would ensure that
they would not be recidivists.
Most combat-trained pistoleros would most likely draw at the first
sign of a weapon and shoot if they saw a justifiable threat, and
certainly at the first discharge of a weapon or hostile movement of a
To use this as an example of "an armed society" shows a total lack of
integrity and a willingness to lie to the public, traits I have come
to expect from ALL of the lying cesspol sludge in the media. This
propaganda "cartoon" is my entry in the "Tell a big enough
lie..." competition, for the o(WHATTA)bummer regime, beating out, "If
you like your plan, you can keep your plan..."
The facts are settled, with stats from the DOJ and FBI. When private
ownership and carry of firearms increases, crime decreases and no
amount of lying by the virulent, rabid, lying anti-gunners can turn
the facts to support their agenda. That is why they LIE!!!
OOOPS!!! Another BULL a tin. A Colorado High school wanted to hold a
celebration of America day. The story I got was that the district
turned "thumbs down" on it because they were afraid of offending
foreign students. Seems to me that people who come here to escape the
oppressive conditions of their home countries would WANT to celebrate
America and assimilate.
Those who come here to find a better life and, then, try to tranform
America to fit the mold of the country they have chosen to abandon are
too STOOOPID to live, much less be accepted into our society.
I believe it was the President of Australia who told the muslim
immigrants that if they want the society they left, they should go
back to it, instead of trying to create it in Australia.
What would you say about a foul piece of cesspool sludge that pushes
anti-gun legislation and gets BUSTED for carrying a piece on a school
campus, in violation of a law, the penalty for which HE pushed the
elevation from misdemeanor to felony?
It IS SO TYPICAL of the left to push for draconian laws to control the
behavior of the "unwashed masses", while they (or their bodyguards)
have carry permits to be able to protect themselves from those same
Can you say, " dianne (not so) fine stein or rosie o'dog do-do? I knew
you could!!
SURPRISE!!! SURPRISE!!! The senate has "investigated" Benghazi
(sp?) and "determined" that there was no fault or cover-up on the part
of barack hussein o(WHATTA)bummer or hitlery klintski. Can you say
"Foregone conclusion?" I knew you could!! How about "Whitewash?" I
knew you could !!
I mean REALLY, now, Troops, a bunch of lib/lefties "investigating" 2
of their biggest CRONIES? How about getting the fox to guard the
henhouse and being surprised when all of the chickens have "vanished".
I have a novel idea, let's get the HOUSE to investigate it!!! Then,
if they are "exonerated" I'll give it SOME credence, as long as it
isn't done by the "go along to get along" rinos.
Skip to the end of the Holy Bible. It says WE WIN!!! Just keep working
toward the goal of deserving to be a winner!!!
ON you FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, it just keeps getting deeper. Please throw us a
lifeline or send Jesus back, soon. In all things I thank & praise You
and, especially, for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray, HOOAAHH!!!
COVER!!! Dis-MISSED!!! Sgt.Mack, leaving the air and closing station.