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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
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Sergeant Mack
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Print | obama, the good, the bad & the UGLYYY !!!
Muster Right Here© - Feb 13 2010
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

At ease, Troops! I want you to get some rest, for the next month, because I want you all in top shape for the 2010 election.

Your mission is to contact everyone you know to throw lefty-liberals out of office. Now, I didn't say all Democrats. There are a few Constitutional Democrats & I respect them. They are the ones who DON'T support the ugly, but we'll come back to that.

I was prepared to give mr. obama a pat on the back (the good) so here goes. I was informed (reliably) that he doesn't support the "piratizers" who want to sell off the Post Office (watch the bank acc'ts of those who vote for it, if it ever happens) &, instead, said some supportive things about the USPS. 'BOUT TIME!!!

Then came the bad. Got a picture of him, with his feet on the "Resolute Desk", in the Oval Office, an office that was disgraced by his predecessor (once removed) "slick willy" & the same office President Reagan is reputed never to have entered without wearing a coat & tie, a similar practice being followed by both Presidents Bush.

That's bad (the feet-on-the-desk) I don't care who you are. It gives the impression of not respecting the property of the people who hired him & who provide a REALLLLY classy house, rent-free & with staff. It doesn't seem like too much to ask, no EXPECT, from a hired hand tenant. Incidentally, I checked my sources on the feet-on-desk & the coat-&-tie-in-office & both checked out.

Now comes the UGLLLYY. Not only does obama not respect OUR PROPERTY, but he has evinced a STRONG disrespect for our rights and our intelligence, with his insistence on passing his wildly unpopular "universal health care" and his insistence that everything is President Bush's fault & that he (obama) has created or saved millions of jobs & that he (obama) is the "chosen one" & if we will just drink the KoolAide, like good little "sheeple", he'll take care of us. You know, I'll bet he will. One mass grave.

I am willing to give the deluded ones a pass on his first "election", but if it happens again, I'll have to agree about the lack of intelligence of a large part of the American public, although I still blame the "stupid" Republican Party for throwing the race to the "dangerous" democrasic party, by running a "rino", republican-in-name-only, McCain, war-hero or not. Another case of lack of intellect.

Anyhoo, end of rant. Get some rest "R&R" & be ready to "...hit the decks a'runnin'... " before November. This may be our last chance to save our country from becoming a socialist "obamanation".

God bless y'all & God bless America!!! Dis-MISSED!!!

Sgt Mack, out.Leaving the air & closing station.

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