Stand at EASE!!!
The continuing crises, in America not only continues, but we have a
crises INCREASE!!!
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.)
COVER!!! Take SEATS!!!
As I predicted, the o(WHATTA)bummer regime is taking advantage of
every crises to, further abridge and violate the God-given and
Constitutionally protected freedoms of the American people.
As a popular feature on a local radio station says: "Wake up
America!!!" What chaps MY hide is those people who ignored our
advice, prior to the Presidential Election, and elected barack hussein
o(WHATTA)bummer and NOW have the temerity, the unmitigated GALL to
about the decline of the country. What's worse, they persist in
blaming the conservatives, who are the one chance the country has to
Those who continue to drink the "koolaide" of the regime's socialism
are, at least, understandable. They are being true to their nature and
It makes me feel like re-writing a line from a song about a "tender
woman" and a snake. The woman has rescued half-frozen snake and is
surprised when, instead of thanking her, it gives her a fatal bite.
I would re-write it something like this: Shut up, you whining dummies,
your complaints are mighty thin. I told you he was a socialist snake,
before you elected him.
Another whine I keep hearing, especially from the lib/left, is that
the Conservative side of congress is holding up the "progress" of the
The fact is that I WANT them holding up the continued encroachment on
our freedoms, by the o(WHATTA)bummer regime's toadies like
nancy(pileof)palosi, "You have to pass the bill, so we can find out
what's in it.", diane(notsofine)stein "If I could get 51 votes in the
senate, it would be
'Turn 'em all in (the guns) Mr. & Mrs. America'. " & all of the other
I WANT them to put a brake on the runaway imperial ambitions of
o(WHATTA)bummer to have
unchecked power over our budget, our 2nd Amendment gun rights, our
freedom of speech, our health care, our personal privacy and all of
the other incidental stuff that gets crushed under the steamroller of
a totalitarian regime.
So, when the lib/left whine about government moving with the care and
caution that was intended by the founders, under the inspiration of
God, I say GOOD ON YA!!!
Today, on the Dennis Prager Show (who in spite of his rude method of
dismissing callers is highly intelligent and insightful) I heard him
discussing a Jewish (?) writer who ridiculed the notion that, had
European Jews been armed, they could have resisted the Holocaust.
Dennis mentioned the fact that Jews, in the Warsaw Ghetto, held up the
advance of the "final
solution", with (I believe he said) seven handguns.
I read a book about this subject and (although I am not certain it was
historically factual) it told how some of the Warsaw residents,
realizing what was coming, decided that they'd rather go down fighting
than be slaughtered as "sheeple".
It sounded very much like the story Mr. Prager was discussing.
The fact is, when you can see a totalitarian regime preparing to
destroy your world, it's time
to stop being concerned about ticking them off and start being
concerned about taking as many of them with you as possible.
These were the same concerns faced by our founders, when they decided
to oppose the premier military power, at that time.
Since its modern-day restoration, Israel has had to enforce the
slogan, "Never Again!!!", with force of arms and blood dedication.
They have faced over whelming odds and come out bloodied but defiant
and free.
This is the model we must embrace. It is time to stop worrying about
angering the evil forces we confront (..foreign and domestic...) and
get ready to kick butts and take names.
The possible secessionist states need to proceed with legal actions,
based on the rights (enshrined in our ORIGINAL founding document, The
Unanimous Declaration) to separate ourselves from a form of government
that has become inimical to our freedom and best interest.
Let the states who WANT to continue the slide down to totalitarian
socialism keep o(WHATTA)bummer and his toadies and "WE, THE PEOPLE..."
who are the contributors, the backbone of the country, emigrate to
the secessionist states and record the collapse, for posterity.
I nominate John Bolton for President of the North American
Confederation of Free and Independent States.
Now, you Troops may think I am kidding, given my oath to the
Constitution and to the Flag.
I am STILL loyal, to both. The problem is that people in power AREN'T.
So, there comes a time when you either have to be part of the solution
or continue to support the problem.
The problem is the cesspool sludge in washington, the district of
criminals. I am loyal to the Constitution and the Flag. THEY are
dedicated to trashing the former and dishonoring the latter.
If we can't live under the government God and the founders gave us,
then (in good conscience,
considering the society we will leave to our descendants) we MUST take
action, as painful as it will be.
Make no mistake, it WILL be painful and we will have to pledge "...our
lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor..." to the fulfillment of the
Just as did many of the founders, expect that many of us will lose all
but "...our sacred honor..." because, when the regime decides to
implement its "final solution", many of us may have "accidents" which
(if thoroughly investigated [which they WON'T be, unless by some brave
souls NOT in the regime] would be HIGHLY suspect) or just "disappear",
like in the Bermuda Triangle.
Conspiracy theory? Think about it! How many "Arkacides", or other
unexplained deaths or disappearances, happened during the klintsky
regime (arkacide being a suicide that couldn't have happened, the way
it ALLEGEDLY happened) and were "glossed over" and never really
explained in a manner that made sense?
BULLetin!!! veep joe(biteme) has decided to bless(?) us with a bit
of his limitless stupidity!!!
He has pontificated that a shotgun is more "accurate" than an assault rifle.
Well BITE ME!!!, joe, as a combat-trained infantryman, I can state
(without fear of contradiction, by anyone who is knowledgeable or has
common sense) that any rifle, with good sights, is 1,000% more
accurate than any shotgun that is not shooting a slug.
In a hostage situation, if you attempted to shoot the bad guy, you
would be likely to kill or maim the hostage with a shotgun, while a
rifle would give you the pinpoint accuracy to snipe the bad guy and
save the hostage.
In an extreme situation, it might be necessary to shoot thru the
hostage (in a fleshy part, like the shoulder) to reach the bad guy and
SAVE the hostage. If mr. joe (biteme) wants that done (to him) with a
shotgun, all I can say is "GITT'ER DONE!!!"
I will allow that (at close range) a shotgun has legitimate
self-defense use, but the founders intended that the populace would
have access to weapons that were on par with the military,
so that the militia would be "...well regulated..." by the knowledge
that a military coup would fall to the overwhelming firepower of the
"unorganized militia", the civilian citizen soldiers.
Shotguns WON'T DO IT!!!
Only those who might wish to seize power, such as (oh, I dunno)
lib/left socialists? and their ilk, who don't think "the masses"
should be armed or self-governing, but guided (read CONTROLLED) by an
elite class, are pushing to dis-arm the populace.
It has been CLEARLY PROVEN that draconian anti-gun laws do NOTHING to
curb "gun violence", or any other crime, because those who want to
commit crimes DON'T CARE about breaking another law (that prohibits
them from having a gun) as they have ALREADY decided to commit WORSE
CRIMES than gun possession.
If you don't believe that, look up the stats on "felon in possession
of a firearm".
Now, diane(notsofine)stein wants to make felons of the law-abiding
people who, simply want to exercise their God-given 2nd Amendment
right of the ability to protect themselves, their families
and their country "...from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC." (My
caps, because washington, the district of criminals, contains some of
the most dangerous enemies of the Unanimous Declaration, the
Constitution and the populace that have ever been spawned by the slime
and oozed out as cesspool sludge!!!).
Unfortunately, too many of "WE, THE PEOPLE...", actually YOU, the
PEOPLE are too lazy, ignorant or selfish to realize that you are being
sucked into a vortex that will lead to the collapse of this country
and the civilized world.
George Orwell's 1984 is happening, before our eyes, and too many
people are the frog in the pot that is being slowly boiled, because he
is either too stupid, lazy (or whatever) to notice that the fire is
being turned up.
NEWS BULLETIN!!! BREACH-OF-ETIQUETTE-ALERT!!! john(rino)mccain, part
of the backstabbing gang of (however many) "senators" has committed a
serious faux pas!
iran's mahmoud i'mawackjob made a statement, with regard to their
launching of a rocket, with a monkey passenger, to the effect that he
might wish to visit space, himself.
I would be HAPPY to contribute to a one-way ticket, for him.
Anyway "senator" (rino)mccain made a remark that he thought
i'mawackjob had done this the previous week, thereby (with said
statement) committing a SERIOUS breach of manners and I believe he
should be REQUIRED to issue an immediate, abject apology to ALL
O.K. Troops, more stuff to cover, but got to get this class into the
Editor, so he can publish it, so that's all for now.
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, just when I think the regime has sunk as far as
cesspool sludge can sink, it outdoes itself.
When You are ready to send Jesus back, my only request (other than
being [with my family] among the saved) is that You save me one of
those flaming swords so that I may participate in the clean-up.
Until that time I ask that You give us useful work, toward the
fulfillment of Your plan and we leave it all up to You to bless and
keep our protectors, our country and us.
In the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior I pray. HOOAAHHH!!!
Sgt. Mack Out, leaving the air and closing station.