Stand at EASE!!!
I was using a similar name for bin ladin (bin hadin)
& transferred it to the “basement boy”, at the beginning of his
“campaign”. Don’t expect I’ll ever get credit for it ‘cause I don’t
remember publishing it. Got to remember “Write it, don’t say it.” Oh
Un-COVER!!! Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation. In Jesus’
Victor Davis Hanson, a well-known and widely-read author said (in the
Epoc Times) that the left had achieved their goals and that people are
getting sick of it. I thank God for the restoration of sufficient
sanity that THAT is happening. He quoted some old saws such as “be
careful what you wish for…” and, although I believe he is shading me
enough I.Q. points to build a separate person, he mis-quoted “whatever
goes around comes around”. I may be wrong about that, but don’t think
so. Anyway, he’ll probably never read my class to know that I have had
the temerity to dis-agree with him, so moot point. He’s, still, one of
the sharpest knives in the drawer and I’m happy to read anything he
has written and I agree with 99%of it.
The woke culture has put the country into a steep decline that only
God or another Donald Trump-like (or the original) messenger can get
us out. One of the problems is that THEY will have to be dragged
KICKING AND SCREAMING into a better situation, for our country,
because (like nancy pollutsi said) ”You have to embrace the suck.” AND
that is EXACTLY what THEY WANT!!!!
The demoncrap “party” is the epitome of nihilism.
The demoncrap “party” is the epitome of nihilism. The worse things
are, the better they like it, because it gives them an excuse to pass
more restrictive laws. Freedom is anathema to them, which is why they
want to invalidate the Constitution’s limits on the powers of the
federal government, in favor of an ALL POWERFUL federal government,
WE ARE THE STATE. YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!!!!! That is why they think(?)
that they can mandate vaccine jabs for EVERYONE, in spite of your
religious convictions or personal convictions or commonsense. THEY
DON’T CARE!!!!!!!! So what if people are killed by the vaccines, or
maimed or rendered non-compos-mentis? You are following the dictates
of your rulers, like good little sheeple.
BULL-etin!!! We interrupt the regularly scheduled excoriation of
jobama and the left for a news BULL-etin of yet another cesspool
sludge municipality that has “woke “ itself into idiocy.
This is the very nice letter I sent to them, to warn them
of the pitfalls of their proposed action ... Sergeant Mack
Congratulations, San Jose. If this ill-conceived, ill-considered,
illegal bit of un-constitutional excrement is passed, you will join
san fran fecesco in the pool of infamy that is the just repository for
gun-grabbers and other anti-2nd Amendment cesspool sludge. Having
spent some enjoyable vacation time in your (formerly) fair city, it
pains me to see it descend into the depths of degradation and
wokeness. It will, also, pain me to have to advise my readers and
military contacts to avoid you, as I have done to san fran fecesco,
and spend their tourist $$ elsewhere. Fortunately, there are STILL
some places that value individual liberty and the the 3 (not so
commons, anymore) sense, decency and courtesy.
I think your new name will be some permutation of "san hose you". That
is just a working name, as this has been a total shock, to me. It will
take some time for me to compose a suitably excoriating column and (of
course) I will wait until you have actually committed the egregious
act, to be able to marshal the full extent of my outrage but, be
assured that the words will flow and my editor and publisher won't let
the copy cool before it is before the public, presuming of course that
you actually take this highly unwise action. Sincerely yours, in hopes
of the commons prevailing.
R.L. McElreath MSG Ca State Mil. Res. (Retired)
It seems that the cesspool sludge in “san hose you” have ignored my
sound advice and chosen to inflict upon their residents an anti-gun
measure. They need to read Dr. John Lott’s books “More Guns, Less
Crime 1&2” and see the “Great London Gun Debate” between Wayne La
Pierre, of the NRA and Rebecca Peters of some lying, leftist anti-gun
group, the int’l action network on small arms. Every time Peters told
a leftist lie, La Pierre refuted it, with the truth. Granted La Pierre
has fallen into disfavor, regarding some business dealings, but on
that day he conducted himself as a gentleman and a consummate debater,
while Peters conducted herself as a super-twit, talking after the bell
sounded and giving unsubstantiated statements. The general consensus
seems to have been that La Pierre walked all over her, presenting
country-by-country, newspaper refutation of the false claims she made
of gun control success in ”lowered crime statistics”.
“The only solution is to clean out the cesspool sludge liberals and elect firearm-friendly constitutional conservatives who will protect your right to protect yourselves.” ... Sergeant Mack
The plain and simple fact is that wherever liberals pass tight gun
control, preventing law-abiding citizens from possessing the means of
self-defense, that frees criminals to run rampant, without fear of the
citizenry. The only solution is to clean out the cesspool sludge liberals and elect firearm-friendly constitutional conservatives who will protect your right to protect yourselves.
The left is criticizing people for taking the Ivermectin gel, which is
an animal medication. If (however) the satanist jobama cabal would
stop blocking access to regular therapeutics, such as
hydroxychloroquine and the human dose Ivermectin we wouldn’t have
to resort to that.
Remember, one of my Doctors promised me a scrip
for Hydroxy, as needed. And when I requested it she said,”I can’t do
that.” Who was stopping her from fulfilling her promise and her
Hippocratic Oath? There are a lot of other accounts of people being
denied the treatment that would save their lives.
The jobama cabal is trying to herd the sheeple into the chute to get “the jab”. Like it or
not. Well, jobama, we don’t like it and we DAMNED SURE AIN’T GONNA
TAKE IT!!!! If you want to FORCE it on us, you’ll have to be on the
US!!!! BUT, before it gets to that extreme, we WILL exhaust every
legal means of redress that you give us time to use.
When these cesspool sludge public leeches fail to fulfil their sworn
duty to administer the law, they cause good, innocent people to fall
victim to other cesspool sludge that should be locked away to where
sunlight would need to be piped to them and then, NOT piped. If I
recall correctly, the recent case of a slain NYPD officer and 4
officers from a nearby jurisdiction involved circumstances where woke
“public servants” went soft on violent perpetrators, allowing them to,
“Go back, Jack, & do it again.”
When is the voting public going wise
up to the fact that woke politicians (poly-tickians) are many
blood-sucking vermin and, if they are permitting violent felons to
roam the streets, they need to be shovelled out like the cesspool
sludge they are. The widow of the officer said something about “…the
laws…”being to blame. In a way, she was right.
There are plenty of
laws that prohibit violence, but the laws that give too much leeway to
the administrators of those laws are entirely too lax. There needs to
be a return to accountability, without interference from the woke
culture. If it’s woke, it ain’t a joke, it’s broke!!!!!!!
c Sgt Mack 2022 ...
If you haven’t read the Editor’s “World Wide Exclusive”, please scroll
back up and read it! I saw the video and didn’t show it to the “Li’l
Corporal”. Don’t think she could have handled it. AND the jobama cabal
will say it’s only co-incidence that so many “vaccinated” people are
having heart attacks. Well, may the bird of paradise fly up THEIR
noses, TOO. Since they are wishing “the jab” on others, I wish any
attendant mis-fortune to attend THEM, TOO.
Gotta get this out so,
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!!
Heavenly Father, we look forward to seeing what You have in store for
the world, as it HAS to be better than what WE’re doing. In all things
I thank You and praise You and, especially, I thank You for the Gift
and Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose
Name I pray, HOOOAAAHHH!!!!
Sgt Mack, Out Leaving the air and closing station, HOOOAAAHHH!!!!