There are so many things to write about this peticular glass I am afraid there wouldn't be enough space alloted to do it justice.
Number one Vaseline glass comes in a number of different colors, from lemon green to bright red. I have a beautiful piece of amber/orange at the shop. More interesting, this glass was made as early as the 1700's and as late as yesterday, depending where you go for the product.
So you have to beware of what you purchase or you will get a reproduction, and if you don't care and just like the piece and have a blacklight cabinet - as I do - anything you buy will light up and surprise the admirer.
Sometimes you will find that clear glass will light up blue, doesn't matter, if it lights up under the black light it is Vaseline Glass. It lights up because the glass manufactors added Uranium to the moulton glass, and when they did this in the earlier periods it was done to add to the color and beauty of the piece.
In later years it was to create a product that would light up and be called Vaseline glass, The Black Light hadn't been invented when Moser made his first piece of Vaseline glass in the 1700's, there was no way He or any other Glass manufactor could know the glass would light up and glow, until the invention of the black light, some where near the turn of the century 1890's or so, I am sure some one will correct me on this but the inventor lived from 1854-1943 ... his name was Nikola Tesla.
If you have never seen a piece of vaseline glass drop by any antique shop almost everyone has some and I have a whole cubboard full.
Well there you have it, I hope you all take the time to look arround at the shops and find a beautiful piece of Vaseline Glass for yourself. Maybe you will get lucky and find a piece of Moser worth $1500.00 - not to be confused with Mosser (circle M) on the bottom, and worth about $15 to $50.00, but also Vaseline Glass!!!!!
Until next time Antiqs, Antiques, Anti-Q's